In this project, Tom Emrich (Investor), Nobumichi Asai (Artist) and Yoshihiro Watanabe (Researcher) were collaborated. We achieved a live performance of projection mapping onto Emrich’s face in the middle of his keynote at Augmented World Expo 2018 (AWE2018). Asai handled the art direction. Watanabe handled the technology about the dynamic facial projection mapping.
The title of this talk was “The death of Reality”. In this talk, he explained that our “reality” is proving to be incredibly fragile and it is being unravelled at a rapid pace by a number of cultural movements. Tom Emrich links together the trends which are pulling at the corners of “real life”, hypothesizes what we will find behind the curtain, and suggests ways for us to prepare for this big shift.
During Emrich’s talk, the projection mapping changed his face from an animal to a skull one after another. The talk theme and the appearance transformation were resonated each other, and this brought strong effects on telling audience the fact that we are in the era of asking what the “reality” essentially is.