Masahiko Yasui, Ryota Iwataki, Masatoshi Ishikawa, and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Projection Mapping with a Brightly Lit Surrounding Using a Mixed Light Field Approach, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VR 2024), Vol.30, No.5, DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2024.3372132 (2024)
Langning Miao, Ryo Kakimoto, Kaoru Ohishi and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Improving Real-Time Near-Infrared Face Alignment With a Paired VIS-NIR Dataset and Data Augmentation Through Image-to-Image Translation, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 2368-2374, doi: 10.1109/ICIP51287.2024.10648056, 2024.
Ryoga Odawara, Minami Yamamoto, Yukio Kawano, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Kou Li: Physical and chemical composition optimization of CNT imagers for augmented reality non-destructive inspections, 9th Workshop on Nanocarbon Photonics and Optoelectronics, 2024.
Lihui Wang, Satoshi Tabata, Hongjin Xu, Yunpu Hu, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic depth-of-field projection mapping method based on a variable focus lens and visual feedback, Optics Express, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 3945-3953 (2023)
Hao-Lun Peng, Shin'ya Nishida, and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Studying User Perceptible Misalignment in Simulated Dynamic Facial Projection Mapping, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2023.
Soran Nakagawa and Yoshihiro Watanabe: High-Frame-Rate Projection with Thousands of Frames Per Second Based on the Multi-Bit Superimposition Method, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2023.
Nao Tsurumi, Kaoru Ohishi, Ryo Kakimoto, Fumihiko Tsukiyama, Hao-Lun Peng, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Yuji Masubuchi: Rediscovering your own beauty through a highly realistic 3D digital makeup system based on projection mapping technology, International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC), 2023.
Yoshihiro Watanabe: Transforming Experience in Real World with Dynamic Projection Mapping, The 30th International Display Workshops (IDW 2023), 2023.12.8.
Yoshihiro Watanabe: Augmented Real-world Interaction with High-speed Vision and Projection, The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Control Engineering (IRCE 2023), 2023.8.5.
YoshihiroWatanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Tokyo, Konosuke Kachi: MEASUREMENT DEVICE, MEASUREMENT SYSTEM, MEASUREMENTPROGRAM, AND MEASUREMENT METHOD, Patent No.: US 11,874,225B2, Jan. 16, 2024.
Takashi Nomoto, Wanlong Li, Hao-Lun Peng, and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Dynamic Multi-projection Mapping Based on Parallel Intensity Control, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 2125-2134, DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3150488 (2022)
Kengo Sato, Hiroki Terashima, Shin'ya Nishida, Yoshihiro Watanabe: E.S.P.: Extra-Sensory Puck in Air Hockey using the Projection-Based Illusion, SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Emerging Technologies, 2022. Emerging Technologies Best Demo Award
Kengo Sato, Hiroki Terashima, Shin'ya Nishida, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Emerging Technologies Best Demo Award, SIGGRAPH Asia 2022, 2022.12.9. [Link]
Yuri Mikawa, Tomohiro Sueishi, Yoshihiro Watanabe and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Projection Mapping for Robust Sphere Posture
Tracking Using Uniform/Biased Circumferential Markers, IEEE Transactions on Visualization
and Computer Graphics, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2021.3111085.
Asadang Tanatipuknon, Pakinee Aimmanee, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Ken T. Murata, Akihiko Wakai, Go Sato, Hoang Viet Hung, Kanokvate
Tungpimolrut, Suthum Keerativittayanun, and Jessada Karnjana: Study on Combining Two
Faster R-CNN Models for Landslide Detection with a Classification Decision Tree to Improve
the Detection Performance, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 588-595
Hongjin Xu, Lihui Wang, Satoshi Tabata, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Extended depth-of-field projection method
using a high-speed projector with a synchronized oscillating variable-focus lens, Applied
Optics, Vol.60, Issue 13, pp. 3917-3924 (2021)
Hao-Lun Peng and Yoshihiro Watanabe: High-Speed Dynamic Projection Mapping onto Human Arm with Realistic Skin Deformation,
Applied Sciences, Vol.11, Issue 9, Article No. 3753 (2021)
Masahiko Yasui, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Wide viewing angle with a downsized system in projection-type
integral photography by using curved mirrors, Optics Express, vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 12066-12080
Yuji Yamakawa, Yugo Katsuki, Yoshihiro Watanabe and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of a High-Speed, Low-Latency Telemanipulated
Robot Hand System, Robotics, Vol.10, Issue 1, Article No. 41 (2021)
Sora Hisaichi, Kiwamu Sumino, Kunihiro Ueda, Hidenori Kasebe, Tohru Yamashita, Takeshi Yuasa, Uwe Lippmann, Petra Aswendt,
Roland Höfling, and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Depth-Aware Dynamic Projection Mapping using
High-speed RGB and IR Projectors, SIGGRAPH Asia Emerging Technologies, 2021.
Uwe Lippmann, Petra Aswendt, Roland Höfling, Kiwamu Sumino, Kunihiro Ueda, Yoshihide Ono, Hidenori Kasebe, Tohru Yamashita,
Takeshi Yuasa, Yoshihiro Watanabe: High-Speed RGB+IR Projector based on Coaxial Optical
Design with Two Digital Mirror Devices, The 28th International Display Workshops, 2021.
Weijun Mai and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Feature-Aided Bundle Adjustment Learning Framework for Self-Supervised Monocular Visual
Odometry, 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Ray Asahina, Takashi Nomoto, Takatoshi Yoshida, and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Realistic 3D Swept-Volume Display with Hidden-Surface
Removal Using Physical Materials, IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
(IEEE VR), pp.113-121, 2021.
Yoshihiro Watanabe: Dynamic Projection Mapping, APMAR 2021, 2021.4.26.
Ray Asahina, Takashi Nomoto, Takatoshi Yoshida, and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Realistic Volumetric 3D Display Using Physical Materials,
SIGGRAPH Asia 2020, Emerging Technologies, December 2020.
Takashi Nomoto, Wanlong Li, Hao-Lun Peng, and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Dynamic Projection Mapping with Networked Multi-projectors
Based on Pixel-parallel Intensity Control, SIGGRAPH ASIA Emerging Technologies, December
Hao-Lun Peng and Yoshihiro Watanabe: High-Speed Human Arm Projection Mapping with Skin Deformation, SIGGRAPH ASIA Emerging
Technologies, December 2020.
Cheng Luo, Takashi Nomoto, Hao-Lun Peng, and Yoshihiro Watanabe: Crosstalk Reduction for Parallax Barrier Stereoscopic Display
Based on High-speed Viewpoint Tracking and Projection, The 27th International Display
Workshops, pp.451-454, 2020.
Lihui Wang, Hongjin Xu, Satoshi Tabata, Yunpu Hu, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed Focal Tracking Projection
Based on Liquid Lens, SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, 2020.
Takashi Nomoto, Ryo Koishihara, and Yoshihiro Watanabe. Realistic Dynamic Projection Mapping Using Real-Time Ray Tracing,
SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, 2020.
Yuri Mikawa, Tomohiro Sueishi, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Projection Mapping System To A Widely Dynamic
Sphere With Circumferential Markers, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia
and Expo (ICME2020) (London, 2020.7.9)/(Oral Session), pp.1-6, 2020.
Masahiko Yasui, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Projection-type integral 3D display using mirrors facing each
other for a wide viewing angle with a downsized system, SPIE Photonics West 2020 (San
Francisco, California, USA. 2020.02.05)/(Oral Session), 2020.
Hongjin Xu, Lihui Wang, Satoshi Tabata, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa, An extended depth-of-field projection method
using a high-speed projector with a synchronized oscillating variable focus lens, SPIE
Photonics West 2020. (San Francisco, California, USA. 2020.02.05)/(Poster), 2020.
Yoshihiro Watanabe: Visual Perception With Dynamic Projection Mapping, The 25th International Display Workshops, pp. 564-566,
Yoshihiro Watanabe: High-Speed Projection for Augmenting the World, OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2020, 2020.4.24.
- Taku Senoo, Yuji Yamakawa, Shouren Huang, Keisuke Koyama, Makoto Shimojo, Yoshihiro Watanabe,
Leo Miyashita, Masahiro Hirano, Tomohiro Sueishi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Dynamic Intelligent
Systems Based on High-Speed Vision, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.31, No.1,
pp.45-56 (2019)
- Yunpu Hu, Leo Miyashita, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa: Visual Calibration for Multiview
Laser Doppler Speed Sensing, Sensors, Vol.19, No.3, Article No.582 (2019)
- Satoshi Tabata, Michika Maruyama, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa: Pixelwise Phase
Unwrapping Based on Ordered Periods Phase Shift, Sensors, Vol.19, No.2, Article No.377
- Masahiko Yasui, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Occlusion-robust Sensing Method
by Using the Light-field of a 3D Display System toward Interaction with a 3D Image, Applied
Optics, Vol.58, Issue 5, pp. A209-A227 (2019)
Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa: High-Speed and High-Brightness Color Single-Chip DLP Projector Using High-Power LED-Based
Light Sources, International Display Workshops (Sapporo, 2019.11.29), pp.1350-1352, 2019.
Yoshihiro Watanabe: Rise of post reality by high-speed vision and projection, HUAWEI 3D Computer Vision and Graphics Workshop,
Yoshihiro Watanabe: Shaping Reality Through Dynamic Projection Mapping (keynote), Nordic IOT Week, 2019.4.9.
Yoshihiro Watanabe: Dynamic Projection Mapping for Augmented Material Perception, IEEE VR 2019, Tutorials "Hack Our Material
Perception in Spatial Augmented Reality", 2019.3.22.
- Leo Miyashita, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa: MIDAS Projection: Markerless and Modelless
Dynamic Projection Mapping for Material Representation, ACM Transactions on Graphics,
Vol.37, No.6, pp.196:1-196:12 (2018)
- Atsushi Nose, Tomohiro Yamazaki, Hironobu Katayama, Shuji Uehara, Masatsugu Kobayashi, Sayaka
Shida, Masaki Odahara, Kenichi Takamiya, Shizunori Matsumoto, Leo Miyashita, Yoshihiro
Watanabe, Takashi Izawa, Yoshinori Muramatsu, Yoshikazu Nitta, and Masatoshi Ishikawa:
Design and Performance of a 1 ms High-Speed Vision Chip with 3D-Stacked 140 GOPS Column-Parallel
PEs, Sensors, Vol.18, No.5, Article No.1313 (2018)
- Yuri Mikawa, Tomohiro Sueishi, Yoshihiro Watanabe and Masatoshi Ishikawa: VarioLight: Hybrid
Dynamic Projection Mapping Using High-speed Projector and Optical Axis Controller, SIGGRAPH
ASIA 2018 Emerging Technologies, Article No. 17, 2018.
- Leo Miyashita, Tomohiro Yamazaki, Kenji Uehara, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa: Portable
Lumipen: Dynamic SAR in Your Hand, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
(ICME2018) (San Diego, 2018.7.26), 2018.
- Tomohiro Sueishi, Takuya Ogawa, Shoji Yachida, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa:
High-Resolution Observation Method for Freely Swimming Medaka Using High-Speed Optical
Tracking with Ellipse Self-Window, 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering
in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2018) (Honolulu, 2018.7)/Poster, FrPoS-32.41, 2018.
- Hirofumi Sumi, Hironari Takehara, Shunsuke Miyazaki, Daiki Shirahige, Kiyotaka Sasagawa,
Takashi Tokuda, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Norimasa Kishi, Jun Ohta and Masatoshi Ishikawa:
Next-generation Fundus Camera with Full Color Image Acquisition in 0-lx Visible Light
by 1.12-micron Square Pixel, 4K, 30-fps BSI CMOS Image Sensor with Advanced NIR Multi-Spectral
Imaging System, Symposium on VLSI Technology (Hawaii, 2018.6.21), pp.163-164, 2018.
- Yunpu Hu, Leo Miyashita, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Masatoshi Ishikawa: GLATUI: Non-intrusive Augmentation
of Motion-based Interactions Using a GLDV, CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems/Extended Abstracts (CHI EA '18) (Montreal, 2018.4.24), Paper No. LBW123, 2018.
- Akihiro Nakamura, Leo Miyashita, Yoshihiro Watanabe and Masatoshi Ishikawa: RIFNOM: 3D Rotaion-Invariant
Features on Normal Maps, Eurographics, Posters (Delft, 2018.4.16-20), 2018.
- Yoshihiro Watanabe: Dynamic Projection Mapping Toward Post Reality (Invited), The 25th International
Display Workshops, pp. 1200-1203, 2018.12.14.
- Yoshihiro Watanabe: Shaping reality through high-speed projection display (Invited), ACM
ISS'18 International Workshop on Computational Augmented Reality Displays (CARD 2018),
- Yoshihiro Watanabe: Dynamic projection mapping fusing high-speed vision and projection technologies
, The 25th International Display Workshops,
Special Event: Projection Mapping
, 2018.12.12-14.
- Tom Emrich, Nobumichi Asai, and Yoshihiro Watanabe: THE DEATH OF REALITY, AWE, 2018.5.30.